Shuai Mu

Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science
Stony Brook University

Office: New Computer Science RM-351
Email: shuai at cs stonybrook edu
Links: Google Scholar, Calendar

I am an assistant professor of Computer Science at Stony Brook University. My main research interests are in distributed systems and multi-core systems. I’m particularly interested in:

  • Building fault-tolerant storage and database systems.
  • Building tools to ease concurrent programming for developers.
  • Verifying correctness of distributed systems and algorithms.

I am looking for motivated PhD/MS/Undergrad students. If you are interested, email me a brief resume.

News (see all)

  • Jun 2024, CausalMesh accepted to PVLDB (VLDB ‘25)!
  • Sep 2023, Awarded LARGE (Co-PI). Thanks NSF!
  • May 2023, NCC accepted to OSDI ‘23!
  • Feb 2023, Awarded CAREER. Thanks NSF!
  • Dec 2022, Waverunner accepted to NSDI ‘23!
  • Aug 2022, Viper accepted to EuroSys ‘23!

Recent courses (see all)

Recent publications (see all)

  • NCC: Natural Concurrency Control for Strictly Serializable Datastores by Avoiding the Timestamp-Inversion Pitfall [paper, tr]
    Haonan Lu, Shuai Mu, Siddhartha Sen, Wyatt Lloyd
    OSDI 23
  • Viper: A Fast Snapshot Isolation Checker [paper]
    Jian Zhang, Ye Ji, Shuai Mu, and Cheng Tan
    EuroSys 23
  • Waverunner: An Elegant Approach to Hardware Acceleration of State Machine Replication [paper]
    Mohammadreza Alimadadi, Hieu Mai, Shenghsun Cho, Michael Ferdman, Peter Milder, and Shuai Mu
    NSDI 23
  • DepFast: Orchestrating Code of Quorum Systems [paper, code]
    Xuhao Luo, Weihai Shen, Shuai Mu, and Tianyin Xu
  • Rolis: a software approach to efficiently replicating multi-core transactions [paper, code]
    Weihai Shen, Ansh Khanna, Sebastian Angel, Siddhartha Sen, and Shuai Mu
    EuroSys 22
  • Fail-slow fault tolerance needs programming support [paper]
    Andrew Yoo, Yuanli Wang, Ritesh Sinha, Shuai Mu, and Tianyin Xu
    HotOS 21
  • Fault-Tolerant Replication with Pull-Based Consensus in MongoDB [paper]
    Siyuan Zhou, Shuai Mu
    NSDI 21
  • Cobra: Making Transactional Key-Value Stores Verifiably Serializable [paper]
    Cheng Tan, Changgeng Zhao, Shuai Mu, Michael Walfish
    OSDI 20

Students (see alumni)

  • Zihao Zhang (Post-doc)
  • Weihai Shen (PhD)
  • Santa Shithil (PhD)
  • Ze Tang (PhD)
  • Ti Zhou (PhD)
  • Sethu Karthikeyan (MS)
  • Chenyu Wang (MS)
  • Saumitra Bose (MS)

I am also privileged to work closely with other great students including:

  • Haoran Zhang (PhD@UPenn, advised by Vincent Liu and Sebastian Angel)
  • Jian Zhang (PhD@Northeastern, advised by Cheng Tan)

Program committees

  • ASPLOS 2022 (ERC)
  • EuroSys 2025
  • ICDCS 2023
  • NSDI 2021, 2023
  • SIGCOMM 2023
  • SOSP 2024
  • USENIX ATC 2020, 2024, 2025