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CSE 535 Schedule (2019 Fall, Aug 26 – Dec 9)

Lecture: MW 4-5:20pm Engineering 143

Office hour: W 2-4pm NCS 351. Because we have a large class, you are strongly recommended to use this link to secure your slot.

The schedule is tentative and subject to change.

Date Topic   Preparation Notes
Aug 26 Introduction I: Overview, MapReduce Read How to Read a Paper and MapReduce  
Aug 28 Introduction II: MapReduce (cont’d)    
Sep 2     Labor Day
Sep 4 Introduction III: RPC, GFS Skim Implementing RPC, Read GFS  
Sep 9 Introduction IV: GFS (cont’d)    
Sep 11 Introduction V: Primary-Backup Replication Read VM Fault tolerance  
Sep 16 Consensus I: Raft Read Raft  
Sep 18 Consensus II: Raft (cont’d)    
Sep 23 Consensus III: Paxos Read Paxos made simple  
Sep 25 Consensus IV: Paxos (cont’d) Skim Raft and Paxos  
Sep 30 Consensus V: Byzantine failures Read Byzantine Paxos and PBFT  
Oct 2 Consistency I: Linearizability Skim Linearizability  
Oct 7 Consistency II: Eventual Consistency and Causality Read Bayou  
Oct 9 Consistency III: Causal Consistency Skim COPS and SUNDR  
Oct 14     Fall break
Oct 16 Consistency V: Existential Consistency Read Existential consistency  
Oct 21 Transaction I: Serializability Read Concurrency control and recovery  
Oct 23 Transaction II: 2PL and 2PC Read Spanner  
Oct 28 Transaction III: 2PC and Paxos Read Replicated Commit  
Oct 30 Transaction IV: OCC and Snapshot Isolation Read Percolator  
Nov 4 Transaction V: Parallel Snapshot Isolation Skim PSI  
Nov 6 Transaction VI: More Isolation Levels Skim A Critique of ANSI SQL Isolation Levels and HAT  
Nov 11 Blockchain I: Proof-of-work Read Bitcoin  
Nov 13 Blockchain II: BA in Blockchains Skim Algorand  
Nov 18 Blockchain III: Smart Contract    
Nov 20 Blockchain IV: Storage Network Skim Filecoin  
Nov 25 Invited talk: Replication in MongoDB (Siyuan Zhou)    
Nov 27     Thanksgiving
Dec 2 Seminar    
Dec 4 Seminar    
Dec 9 Review    

SBU calendar