Serializable transactions
Transactions groups a set of read/write operations together
- e.g.
begin_tx v <-- read(checking) v' <-- read(saving) write(checking, v-10) write(saving,v'+10) commit_tx
- Transactions Properties: ACID
- Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability
- Two goals:
- handle failure (A, D). A machine crash and later re-starts.
- can be achieved by write-ahead-logging
- handle failure (A, D). A machine crash and later re-starts.
- handle concurrency (I): serializability
Concurrency control
transfer $10 from checking to saving
withdaw $20 from checking
read the sum of checking, saving
Bad interleaving
T1: Read(C)=100, Read(S) Write(C, 90), Write(S, 110)
T2: Read(C)=100 Write(C, 80)
- What’s the expected outcome?
- Isolation: T1 happens either before or after T2 (sometimes called before-after atomicity)
- Ideal isolation semantics: serializability
- Definition: execution of a set of transactions is equivalent to some serial order
- Two executions are equivalent if they have the same effect on database and produce the same output
- typically, people mean strict serializability, i.e. the equivalent serial order cannot re-order commit-to-begin_tx ordering.
(Conflict) serializability
- An execution schedule is an ordering of read/write/commit/abort operations (executed by the local system)
- e.g.
R_1(C), R_2(C), R_1(S), W_2(C), Commit2, W_1(C), W_1(S), Commit1
- Two schedules are equivalent if they:
- contain the same operations
- order conflicting operations the same way:
- A pair of operations conflict if they access the same data item and one is a write.
- Examples:
Serializable? R_1(C), R_1(S), R_2(C), W_2(C), Commit2, W_1(C), W_1(S), Commit1 No Serialiazable? R_1(C), R_1(S), R_3(C), R_3(S), Commit3, W_1(C), W_1(S), Commit1 equivalent to R_3(C), R_3(S), Commit3, R_1(C), R_1(S), W_1(C), W_1(S), Commit1 Serialiazable? R_1(C), R_1(S), W_1(C), R_3(C), R_3(S), Commit3, W_1(S), Commit1 no.
- How to check if a schedule is serializable?
- Check if Serialization graph is cycle-free