
Single-instance consensus

  • different problem abstraction from Raft
  • same environment—asynchrony
    • node/network failure/slowness
  • “equivalent” to multi-instance consensus
  • proposer/acceptor/learner: logical roles; each server/replica has all


  • starting point
    • different replicas have different ids; can generate distinguished numbers
    • a value is attached with a number to distinguish
  • goal
    • The system eventually “chooses” a value; or, a value gets chosen
    • Chosen (by definition) if it is “accepted” by a majority of servers


  • a server has to accept the first value it sees.
    • otherwise the system will never choose any value
    • consequence: each server may accept different values
  • a server has to accept multiple values
    • otherwise “split”
    • consequences multiple values can be chosen
  • if two values get chosen, they must be the same value
    • otherwise unsafe
  • equivalent to: if a value with number n is chosen, any value with greater number m (m>n) chosen must be the same value
  • further: if value-n is chosen, any value-m accepted must be the same value
  • further: if value-n is chosen, any value-m proposed must be the same value
  • if value-n is chosen, before value-m is proposed, the system replies value-n to the value-m proposer.
  • if value-n is possibly chosen, before value-m is proposed, the system
    • replies value-n to the value-m proposer,
    • or, the system promises not to accept/choose value-n anymore.


  • prepare phase:
    • pick number n, send prepare messages (phase-1a) to all
    • on receiving a prepare request, each replica updates its highest seen ballot, reply (phase-1b) with the highest number value it has ever accepted.
    • collect replies (phase-1b) until get at least a majority, pick the value with the greatest number to propose, if no value in replies, pick any value
  • accept phase:
    • use the value picked, send accept messages to all
    • on receiving an accept message, check highest seen number, accept and reply
    • a majority of replies -> chosen (commit)
  • commit phase:
    • broadcast commit messages notifying the chosen value


  • can a server accept different values?
    • yes
  • does the majority of phase-1 (prepare) and phase-2 (accept) have to be the same?
    • no
  • can each server only keep 1 ballot number instead of 2?
    • no
  • in phase-2, can we use the original ballot number as the accept number?
    • no
  • in a 3-replica system, if (v1, b1) is accepted on server s1, (v1, b3) is accepted on s2, is the value v1 considered chosen (committed)?
    • no, think about the case where:
      • s1, s2 prepared b1; s1 accepted (v1, b1)
      • s2, s3 prepared b2; s2 accepted (v2, b2)
      • s1, s3 prepared b3; s3 accepted (v1, b3)
      • s1, s2 prepared b4; s1, s2 accepted (v2, b4)


  • each log entry maps to a Paxos instance
  • batch prepare request
    • normally 1 roundtrip to commit a value on the leader, same as Raft
  • log entry has more content than Raft
    • highest seen ballot, accepted value ballot, value
  • unlike Raft, log entry could be modified
    • otherwise what could happen?
  • reconfiguration
    • add view information into each log entry.

Compare Multi-Paxos and Raft

  • similarities:
    • log structure
    • performance (w.r.t. 1 message roundtrip to commit)
  • differences:
    • currentTerm is not highest seen ballot
    • term in each log entry is not the same as accepted ballot
    • Raft has two extra rules


  • change phase-1: move comparison from proposer to acceptor.
    • proposer send its accepted ballot to others to request a “vote”
  • “super-prepare/accept”
    • each super-prepare prepares all instances
    • each super-accept accepts all instances
    • “super-reject”, if any instances refuses to prepare/accept, then reject
  • global ballot number?
    • a single highest seen ballot for all instances
    • a single highest accepted ballot number for all instances
      • what about the ballot numbers in each log entry?
      • if we keep them, “sometimes”, they are the same as the highest accepted ballot number
        • sometimes = when highest seen ballot = highest accepted ballot.
      • if the proposing server always use the ballot in a new log entry:
        • for a recipient, the last log entry log ballot is always the same as the global highest accepted ballot.
        • so we can remove the global highest accepted ballot.
    • revisit Raft rules
      • “up-to-date” rule in leader election
      • “cannot count” rule in failure recovery
  • shrink the super-prepare/accept message size.
    • prepare
      • send a digest of all previously accepted entries
      • this digest is accepted ballot + log length (index).
    • accept
      • prefix of the committed logs are the same.
      • inductively, a ballot at the same index is the same => all previous are the same
      • send a “delta”: what is different between the leader/follower?
      • should guarantee no “holes”.