Locking-based isolations levels
- serializable
- 2PL (long-duration read/write locks)
- repeatable read
- long w/r locks, short predicate read locks
- could have phantom read
- r1[P]…w2[y in P]…c2…r1[P]…c1
- read committed
- long w locks, short r locks
- could have non-repeatable (fuzzy) read
- r1[x]…w2[x]…c2…r1[x]…c1
- read uncommitted
- long write locks, no read locks.
- could have dirty read
- w1[x]…r2[x]…(a1 and c2 in any order)
- English version
- read committed cannot have dirty read
- repeatable read cannot have dirty/fuzzy read
- serializability cannot have any of: dirty/fuzzy/phantom read
- Simply forbidding dirty/fuzzy/phantom read does not give you serializability, or, “anomaly serializable != serializable”
- H1: r1[x=50]w1[x=10]r2[x=10]r2[y=50]c2 r1[y=50]w1[y=90]c1
- H2: r1[x=50]r2[x=50]w2[x=10]r2[y=50]w2[y=90]c2r1[y=90]c1
- H3: r1[P] w2[insert y to P] r2[z] w2[z] c2 r1[z] c10
- Snapshot isolation
- read skew, not possible with si
- r1[x]…w2[x]…w2[y]…c2…r1[y]…(c1 or a1)
- write skew, possible with si
- r1[x]…r2[y]…w1[y]…w2[x]…(c1 and c2 occur)
- stronger than read committed
- stronger than “anomaly serializable”.
- revisit the long fork example: read skew
T1: R(A)=0, R(B)=0, W(A)=1 T2: R(A)=1, R(B)=0 T3: R(A)=0, R(B)=0, W(B)=1 T4: R(A)=0, R(B)=1 T5: R(A)=1, R(B)=1
- read skew, not possible with si
- Read uncommitted
- disallows cycles consisting only of ww edges
- ww implies commit-start order because of long write locks.
- disallows cycles consisting only of ww edges
- Read committed/repeatable read
- disallow cycles consisting of ww or wr edges
- Snapshot isolation, disallows:
- wr or ww without commit-start
- cycles consisting of only commit-start, wr, ww edges
- wr or ww implies commit-start
- cycles containing a single rw edge
- rw imples either commit-start or concurrent