Fast Paxos
Paxos review
- Round structure
- Discover the possibly chosen value of previous rounds?
- no value accepted before
- a single round or multiple round accepted before
- choose the higher round
- is there a single value or multiple accepted in this round?
- Trick, intersect
- What if increasing the prepare quorum size?
- What if increasing the accept quorum size?
- The high performance model
- there is a leader
- client to leader
- leader send to follwers, and followers ack
- leader reply to client
- 2 RTT in total
- Question: can we reduce RTT?
- client directly send to every one?
Fastpath Quorum
- problem
- multiple values can be accepted in a round
- quorum size: a majority?
- how to recover in the next round?
- compare number is no longer possible
- quorum size: all?
- if see differeent values, then values chosen
- unless see the overlap between N and M, which is M, no need to accept this value
- what is the right size? between M and N?
- problem, the intersection of M and Qf does not intersect with another QF
- Make the intesect!
- Qf+M-N+Qf-N>0 2Qf+M>2N
- N-E+N-F-N+N-E-N>0, N>2E+F
- 2M>N
- 4Qf>=3N,